Well, hey there, party people.
Hope everyone is having a great week full of sunshine and happiness.
As you can tell, I'm in a peppy mood. We got a puppy!!!
Nothing more peppy than a puppy. That's what I always say.
Well, I just now said it for the first time, but I'm going to try and say it more often ;)
Ok, so I'm going to get on to the eats from yesterday, then I'll tell you all about Bizzy the pup!
Breakfast, Part I: Half a Zone Bar
I noshed on the other half of a chocolate Zone bar that I had opened the day before. Ate this before heading out the door to boot camp, which we did all outside. It is so refreshing to workout outside, sometimes. It wouldn't be today, though, because the pollen is off the hook around these parts.
Breakfast, Part II: Salmon Omelet & Bagel
For protein's sake and just for pure yumminess, I made a smoked salmon and mozzarella omelet using a whole egg plus liquid egg whites. I also enjoyed a product of our latest attempt to make homemade bagels. We're almost there with the recipe.. Also, I drank 2 giant cups of coffee, because that's how I roll.
A.M. Snack: Shake
I made a shake to take to work on this day. It contained 1 frozen banana, 3 strawberries, 1/4 cup of cinnamon cereal, 1 tbsp peanut butter, 1 scoop protein powder, 1 cup almond milk. Delish!
Lunch: Hamburger & Veggies
I had some leftovers for lunch today. A hamburger patty, some little tomatoes and broccoli.Then, the afternoon was super busy. I ate a piece of peanut butter toast at some point and did not snap a pic. Use your imagination on that one ;)
Dinner: Jason's Deli
Even though I had plenty of groceries to whip something up, we all decided to grab some quick food instead. I had a salmon sandwich on foccacia and a cup of chicken tortilla soup. Huh. That's salmon twice in one day. Yay for Omega 3's, right?
Ok, on to my news. Meet Bizzy the Dog.
My boyfriend and I went to the humane society looking for a giant lab mix to call our own. But this little munchkin stole our hearts.So, we met her and played with her for like an hour. Then we said, "We'll take her." Apparently it does not work that way, though and there is a 24 hour waiting period for adopting dogs, so you can sleep on it.
A good policy, I suppose. But, some of you might know that I am the world's most impatient person sometimes (not with babies or animals, but just with waiting on stuff). So, we couldn't pick her up til the following Tuesday, because they were closed Sunday and Monday. Agh!
We went shopping and got all the dog stuff we could possibly need. It was like Christmas morning for dogs.
Buuuutt, then I called to confirm we could pick her up and it turned out that she had tested positive for giardia, which is a parasitic thing-a-ma-bob. So she was on antibiotics for another 7 days. Finally a week later, we could take her home.
We were excited!!!!
And there was puppy love!
And lots of fun times.
Then we went to the vet just to make sure all was well, and she barked her face off at all the other dogs there. It was not cool :(
Everybody has their flaws, right?
Plus she's probably just freaked about the big life change and all. We have plans to socialize her to become more comfortable with other dogs.
Plus these stinkers...who are less than thrilled.

But so far, life is good for Bizzy.
I think she's excited about her new home.Oh, just a few more pics.
She loves her Uncle DJ!
And grass.
(her arm was shaved for her spaying surgery bloodwork, but it's already growing back)
*update--I didn't mention any details about Bizzy when I first wrote this post. She's a 6 month old Daschund/Beagle mix (that is just a guess) who enjoys exploring, all sorts of peoples and naps.
Ok, thanks for indulging me on the puppy pictures!
Hope everyone has a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious day!
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