Well, hello there.
It's time to look at all the foods I ate today (Really, it was yesterday. I can't lie to you.).
I hope everyone had a lovely Labor Day weekend. I did. I can say with all certainty that I avoided all forms of labor & had a relaxing long weekend.
On to the good stuff!
B-Fast, Take 1: Fiber One Bar
I think I need to start taking more pictures in the laundry room at 5 a.m., because this was super bright and clear (unlike last week's blurry pic). Anywho..I had this new (?) Fiber One bar as I headed out the door to boot camp this morning. It was just okay, not the most fantastic bar out there.
B-fast, Numero Dos: PB English Muffin, Fruit Smoothie
Some time later, I enjoyed my full-on breakfast of a whole grain English muffin smeared with natural peanut butter and a protein/fruit smoothie (containing a frozen banana, frozen berry mix, almond milk and vanilla protein powder). I also had some gas station coffee (blech) because I ran out of my favorite Target coffee (blergh).
A.M. Snack: Cereal & Cheese
This snack was a little random, but delicious nonetheless. I had a light Sargento cheese stick and some Special K chocolatey delight cereal.
How do you guys eat your cheese sticks? I prefer the peel with the teeth method.
Probably the best picture of me. Ever. It looks like I'm nervously watching a horror movie or something.
My nephew bites into the cheese stick and does not peel it. I'm pretty sure I'm doing it the right way.
Lunch: Soup & Pretzel Crisps
I had some grotesque looking Amy's low fat split pea soup for lunch, because it's totally normal to eat hot soup when it is 90 degrees outside. I also munched on a few pretzel crisps on the side.
After eating, I headed out to get my favorite Target coffee, and stumbled upon my inanimate soul mate.
Sugar free, zero calorie pumpkin spice coffee syrup. Heck yes. I see many delicious lattes and iced coffees in my near future. Did you know I'm a little psychic?
When there's a Target trip, it usually is coupled with a Starbucks trip. I got an unsweetened black tea with 1/4 cup lemonade and 3 Splendas. Perfection.
I enjoyed my beverage with one of those sort of brownie like Kashi bars while I did very important tasks (ok, not really).
Dinner was sort of late-ish tonight, because I had to wait for my dad to fix my dishwasher. So I hung around and ate a piece of toast while I waited. I did not take a picture though. Oops!
Dinner: Egglplant "Meat"ball Sandwich & Sweet Potato Fries
These "meat" balls were made of no meat at all. They were mostly eggplant. I actually do not like eggplant. The texture is weird. So grinding it up and adding breadcrumbs and cheese seemed like a good way to get to like it. Hooray for eggplant!Eggplant "Meat"ball Sandwich
serves 4
2 medium eggplants
olive oil spray
1/4 tsp garlic salt
1 egg
1/2 cup breadcrumbs
1/2 cup shredded parmesan cheese
lite rolls or buns
lite provolone cheese
veggie tomato sauce (I used Prego)
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees and slice your eggplant (about 1/4" thickness). Spray the slices with oil and sprinkle with salt. Roast in the oven for about 20-25 minutes.
Dump the roasted eggplant into a food processor with garlic salt, egg, breadcrumbs and cheese & grind it all up. Use a cookie scoop to scoop meatballs out onto sprayed pan (or in a casserole dish). Bake at 425 for about 20 minutes. Top with veggie sauce while still hot.
Toast your bun on an oiled griddle and top with 3 meatballs and a slice of cheese. Yum yum!
It actually tasted alot like meat. For realz.
Have a great week!!!
Worth a look-see:
- Benefits of Breakfast
- A funny look at gender stereotypes
- My healthy Lobster Mac & Cheese recipe on Endless Simmer
- Daily Grace's hilarious morning routine video

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